The benefits provided by GABEK® projects always involve more comprehensive knowledge and a deeper understanding of the situation as a whole. New options for action become evident, and flexible interventions are supported. GABEK® projects may be very different in how questions are posed, in the course of implementation, and in the type of results. However, They consistenly initiate dialogue on values, goals and promising approaches. Possible solutions are always presented with expected consequences alongside. The arguments of the concerned respondents are displayed in a systematic and logical order, and the relevance of the discussed topics to the aim of the project is clearly illustrated both verbally and graphically.
With GABEK® you can highlight those areas you want to emphasize for future development
GABEK is used to make graphical maps representing opinions and attitudes of different interest groups. Responses from interviews or other texts are saved in the form of linguistic nets. Objects, attributes, states and processes about which respondents think recurrently are represented as nodes in the association net. The edges between the nodes show the connections repeatedly found by experience, revealing recurring mental models of the respondents. Maps of opinion can be presented in different scales – to provide an overview of the situation as a whole while also displaying details of the opinions and attitudes expressed in the interviews.
Association nets are used by institutions and companies to determine meaningful core topics for future action supported by employees and clients.
With GABEK® you can detect the level of satisfaction of employees and clients
With GABEK positive and negative assessments expressed in interview texts are analyzed in detail. If the texts originate from employees, you can detect their level of satisfaction. If the analyzed texts originate from clients, you can assess the clients’ satisfaction with products or services.
Adding up all the particular positive and negative judgments, you receive the evaluation index, a numerical index based on specific content. You see in detail what leads to satisfaction and what can be improved. In this way, you can compare your own products with competing products and see products and services with the “eyes of clients.”
GABEK suggests qualitative improvements and describes all their particulars. Reasons for success or failure of innovations can be evaluated on the basis of the clients’ judgments. The quest for quality development is given a nervous system through which innovations can be formulated and proposed.
If evaluative judgments of objects, facts or attributes are combined with the association net, you receive a colored landscape of opinions that helps to comprehend problem fields and areas of success in your organization.
With GABEK®, a large variety of opportunities of action to realize your core purpose become obvious
After the analysis of the causal opinions of the respondents, causal networks are represented graphically displaying the assumed influences and effects of measures and goals. We also speak about them as “variables.”
Measure – goal pairs are described verbally and in the form of arrows within diagrams. Using them, you can compare fundamental values and goals between different groups. It thereby becomes possible to use their attempts in a synergetic way to reorganize work processes.By means of causal networks, you can select measures for implementing your core values so that the individuals concerned are more ready to support them.
With GABEK® you can reveal systemic connections between variables
Sometimes you will find groups of values, goals and measures within the causal network that are interconnected through cyclical feedback relations . Cyclically closed partial systems of causal relations indicate that the variation of certain values, goals or measures leads to changes in all the other variables of the partial system.
If you want to introduce changes to your organization, you can focus first on possible goals and measures that form causally connected feedback relations. If you can influence some of these variables propitiously, they will have a favorable effect on the whole system. Thus your organization can benefit greatly with minimal effort, using synergistic and self-reinforcing effects.
With GABEK® you can order fundamental values, goals or measures according to relevance
Unlike other qualitative methods of research, GABEK allows you to order goals and measures according relevance. The order is intersubjectively testable. The relevance of the variables is determined by hundreds of particular judgments of all the respondents.
Measures and goals are relevant if they are found in many evaluative judgments in the interviews; associated variables are relevant if many causal assumptions are expressed in the texts about those measures and goals. GABEK builds an index of relevance based on the numbers of evaluative judgments and causal assumptions for each variable.
While viewing the list of relevance, you can focus on the 20 most relevant variables and feel confident that these are the most important among hundreds of variables. You can thus improve services, products and processes by using GABEK to support efficient decision processes.
With GABEK® you can develop valid regional theories about a restricted scope of research
Universities see GABEK primarily as a qualitative methodology of research that, unlike other QDA methods with software support, strictly regulates the process of research. GABEK methodically applies syntactic and semantic rules. In an experiment, four analysts came to almost the same results as text analysis.
Results of GABEK projects can be confirmed or falsified based on the given verbal database or new verbal data. They also can be compared with the analysis results of other projects. Thus it is possible to generalize GABEK results tentatively and construct restricted regional theories that can be tested intersubjectively against new verbal data.
University researchers therefore appreciate the reliability and validity of GABEK results, especially the opportunity to have verbal data organized logically and hierarchically into a gestaltentree.
With GABEK® you can compare characteristic values between different project groups in a way that allows any value to be interpreted in relation to the verbal content
GABEK stands out against other qualitative software-supported methods of text analysis (CAQDAS) in that qualitative encodings can also be used as the basis for numerical statements. Next to the evaluation index and the index of relevance, further characteristic values are generated that are used chiefly for the comparison of different projects.
Furthermore, unlike statistical analyses, numerical GABEK results can be interpreted and explained in relation to the verbal content. This means that any number related to a node or an edge of a GABEK net can be clicked to reach the referring concepts or text units. -
You can select a convenient level of complexity when representing GABEK® results
It is also possible to reduce or raise the complexity of qualitative GABEK results with numerical values in order to look at the results from a distance or close up. If you want an overview, choose the distance; if you are interested in details, zoom in. You can adjust the representation as is convenient for you. When short on time, you can present results very quickly; when you need to give detailed answers, choose a higher level of complexity.
Such flexible procedures are possible in the GABEK methodology through its foundation in theories of language analysis, explanation, understanding and learning as well theories of gestalt perception and self-organization.