Yearly Archives for 2004

Argumentationsstrukturen in Wittgenstein-Nachlass MS 115

The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB)


Es gibt einen Bedarf nach einer kurzen und übersichtlichen Präsentation des Wittgenstein-Nachlasses. So könnte man fragen, wie die Themen, die Wittgenstein in seiner Reihe "Philosophische Bemerkungen" beschäftigt haben, argumentativ zusammenhängen.


Qualitative research by the GABEK® method

in Qualitative Research – Different Perspectives – Emerging Trends, 2004


It is one of the central tasks of the social sciences and humanities to show ways and means of creatively processing complex problems in our society. Such problems are generally unstructured and difficult to define. Frequently they are tied to dynamic situations affecting a large number of individuals or groups of individuals. On the other hand, the experiences gained by those affected, e.g. the employees of an institution, contain creative problem solving potential.



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